• @guqing guqing commented on pull request #6481 in halo-dev/halo


    0 0
  • @guqing guqing pushed to chore/notification-content-index in guqing/halo

    Below is the list of commits:

    • chore: add override annotation (080cb1e)
    0 0
  • @guqing guqing created a review on pull request #6471 in halo-dev/halo


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  • @guqing guqing opened pull request #6483 in halo-dev/halo

    What type of PR is this?

    /kind bug
    /area core
    /milestone 2.19.x

    What this PR does / why we need it:



    1. 使用 admin 账号登录,此时会记录 device_id 的 cookie
    2. 退出登录,device_id 会保留在 cookie 中并随着新账号带到服务端
    3. 服务端根据 device_id 查询当前设备是否有对应的记录,但是没有校验用户名是否与当前登陆的一致然后就去更新登录时间
    4. 正确的处理是校验 device_id 是否有与之对应的记录并且用户名相同,如果不相同则认为是新设备重新生成 device_id

    how to test it?

    1. 先清理 cookie 然后使用一个账号登录
    2. 退出登陆并切换新账号登录
    3. 检查新登录的账号的设备信息是否正确

    Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?

    0 0
  • @guqing guqing created branch fix/device in guqing/halo


    ✍ 一款优秀的开源博客发布应用。

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  • @guqing guqing created a review on pull request #6482 in halo-dev/halo


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  • @guqing guqing pushed to feature/2387 in guqing/halo

    Below is the list of commits:

    • refactor: local thumbnail fallback (549a4cf)
    0 0
  • @guqing guqing pushed to feature/2387 in guqing/halo

    Below is the list of commits:

    • chore: encode url for url resource (d4e7539)
    0 0
  • @guqing guqing pushed to feature/2387 in guqing/halo

    Below is the list of commits:

    • chore: encode url for url resource (a578a48)
    0 0
  • @guqing guqing pushed to feature/2387 in guqing/halo

    Below is the list of commits:

    • chore: encode url for url resource (94defb8)
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