• @guqing guqing created branch feature/132 in guqing/plugin-comment-widget


    通用的 Halo 2.0 评论组件插件

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  • @guqing guqing created a review on pull request #1 in halo-sigs/plugin-data-studio


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  • 如题所述,开启匿名评论时容易被刷,希望增加匿名评论时需要输入验证码的功能以增加刷评论的成本

    /kind feature

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  • @guqing guqing commented on issue #6059 in halo-dev/halo


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  • @guqing guqing created a review on pull request #6059 in halo-dev/halo


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  • @guqing guqing created a review on pull request #6059 in halo-dev/halo


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  • @guqing guqing pushed to feature/5663 in guqing/halo

    Below is the list of commits:

    • feat: add independent option to control visibility of child category posts (397499e)
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  • @guqing guqing commented on issue #107 in halo-sigs/plugin-moments

    /kind feature
    /remove-kind support

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  • @guqing guqing pushed to feature/5663 in guqing/halo

    Below is the list of commits:

    • feat: add independent option to control visibility of child category posts (b5328ca)
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  • @guqing guqing commented on issue #6083 in halo-dev/halo

    Hi @ruibaby 帮忙修改一下 UI: 分类列表需要为独立分类添加一个图标标识便于识别例如 link-break,文章列表需要修改分类查询的参数为 categoryWithSubcategories 且将分类的显示方式改为树状

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