• @guqing guqing commented on issue #4895 in halo-dev/halo


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  • @guqing guqing opened pull request #384 in halo-dev/docs

    What this PR does?

    为分类 Finder API 新增的 getBreadcrumbs 方法提供文档

    see also halo-dev/halo#6135

    0 0
  • @guqing guqing created branch docs/for-6135 in guqing/docs


    The open-source repo for docs.halo.run

    0 0
  • @guqing guqing opened pull request #383 in halo-dev/docs

    What this PR does?

    添加插件 Finder API 中通过插件名称和版本判断某插件是否可用的 API 的文档

    see also halo-dev/halo#6236

    0 0
  • @guqing guqing created branch docs/for-6236 in guqing/docs


    The open-source repo for docs.halo.run

    0 0
  • @guqing guqing opened pull request #382 in halo-dev/docs

    What this PR does?

    增加关于 LoginHandlerEnhancer 的使用文档

    see also halo-dev/halo#6176

    0 0
  • @guqing guqing created branch docs/for-6176 in guqing/docs


    The open-source repo for docs.halo.run

    0 0
  • @guqing guqing opened pull request #381 in halo-dev/docs

    What this PR does?

    为 TemplateFooterProcessor 添加开发文档

    see also https://github.com/halo-dev/halo/pull/6191/files

    0 0
  • @guqing guqing created branch docs/for-6191 in guqing/docs


    The open-source repo for docs.halo.run

    0 0
  • @guqing guqing pushed to docs/build-list-options in guqing/docs

    Below is the list of commits:

    • docs: add docs for list options builder (be7ea0c)
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