• @guqing guqing opened issue #423 in halo-dev/docs


    public interface ThumbnailProvider extends ExtensionPoint {
        Mono<URI> generate(ThumbnailContext context);
        Mono<Void> delete(URL imageUrl);
        Mono<Boolean> supports(ThumbnailContext context);
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  • @guqing guqing commented on issue #6709 in halo-dev/halo

    Issue 描述的问题是:当因为 TemplateFooterElementTagProcessor 或者 GlobaleadInjectionProcessor 发生错误时,才忽略这些错误直接渲染。而不是发生错误渲染错误页面的时候就忽略这两个 Processor 了。

    错误页面本身也就不需要注入,况且如果只是 GlobaleadInjectionProcessor 发生错误时如果要忽略那应该是扩展自己通过 onErrorResume 忽略,而不是由 GlobaleadInjectionProcessor 来忽略错误

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  • @guqing guqing commented on issue #421 in halo-dev/docs


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  • @guqing guqing opened issue #421 in halo-dev/docs


    1. 插件依赖
    2. 插件共享事件
    3. 插件如何定义扩展点并被其他插件扩展
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  • @guqing guqing commented on pull request #6702 in halo-dev/halo

    这里需要考虑一个用户只能绑定同一平台的一个账号的问题,参考 https://github.com/halo-sigs/plugin-oauth2/pull/63 和 ,比如 zhangsan 有 githubA 和 githubB 两个账号,如果已经绑定了其中之一不能再绑定另外一个

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  • @guqing guqing commented on pull request #6702 in halo-dev/halo

    感觉这个名称有歧义,会理解为先查询得到的数据返回后再更新,是否可以直接改为 updateUserConnection,毕竟这里的逻辑就是根据 OAuth2User 去更新 UserConnection

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  • @guqing guqing opened pull request #6709 in halo-dev/halo

    What type of PR is this?

    /kind improvement
    /area core
    /milestone 2.20.x

    What this PR does / why we need it:

    模板 head 和 footer 标签注入功能忽略错误页面避免当扩展发生错误时导致错误页面无法显示

    Which issue(s) this PR fixes:

    Fixes #6500

    Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?

    模板 head 和 footer 标签注入功能忽略错误页面避免当扩展发生错误时导致错误页面无法显示
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  • @guqing guqing pushed to refactor/6500 in guqing/halo

    Below is the list of commits:

    • refactor: head tag injection to skip error pages (27060ee)
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